Tax on Medical Devices

By taking this quiz I truly realized how little I know about the PPACA. Although I did score a 4/10, to be fair I would have to call all of my answers guesses. I find it quite amazing how little I know about one of the top, if not the single most common subject mentioned in the news. Now, I do take some responsibility for this, but I do not think it lies solely with me. We have talked all semester about the best way to present information for your audience, and it is clear that the government did not do an extensive job presenting this piece of legislation. Perhaps when something so relevant comes into law the government (like the PPACA) should go to extra lengths to ensure that the public is well informed to its purpose, or supposed purpose.

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Still Making Demands?

I enjoyed taking the political quiz to begin this exercise, however I felt that the polarity of the choices undermined the real potential of asking tough questions and may not offer the most complete political profile.   Of course, the face value of a twenty-question quiz is not equal to rational, informed decision-making when choosing a political stance.  Forming insightful, rational opinions is the theme of this week’s blog, and a crucial skill for forming an individual opinion.  While it may seem trivial, many of us (myself included) often take headlines and statistics as fact, and base our reaction and response off of that information alone.  Just as a political quiz may present “obvious” options for many questions, they may not truly be the best answers.

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Learn Your Political Strips/The Shutdown-pocalypse (blog 6)

Government Shutdown Averted, The New York Time...

Government Shutdown Averted, The New York Times vending machine, New York City, New York, United States of America (Photo credit: Pranav Bhatt)

From the Blog council of

This week’s topic is the GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN. To begin, take this quiz to determine your political stance:

Now find an interesting article or opinion piece about the government shutdown that supports a stance opposite of your own. Continue reading